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Interdisciplinary artist / Independent curator / Lecturer.

Creator/Organizer/Coordinator of international art related projects.

Born in Argentina. Lives and works in Tel Aviv, Israel​.


PhD in Arts. Multimedia department. The University of Arts. Poznan, Poland. 

Master of Arts Degree in Arts. Printing department. California State University, Fullerton, USA.

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Arts. Ceramics department. University of La Plata, Argentina. 


2022- Present / Co-funder and chairperson of Grosso Modo  Artists Collective, non profit org. Tel Aviv, Israel.

2013-14 / Founder and curator of Muzaplus - an alternative space for art. Jaffa, Israel.

2005 - 2007 /  Chairperson of Impact - The Professional Visual Artists Association in Israel.

2002 / Co-founder of Impact - The Professional Visual Artists Association in Israel.



2024 / Passage. Grosso Modo Gallery. Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Nir Harmat 

2023 / Advice for a Dancing Girl- Chapter II: Hide and Seek. Grosso Modo Gallery. Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Nir Harmat

2022 / Advice for a Dancing Girl- Chapter I: Beneath my Feet. Grosso Modo Gallery. Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Nir Harmat

2019 / project. Installation at Wschodnia Gallery. Lodz, Poland. Curator:Adam Klimczak. International Festival of Audiovisual Art "Tetramatika 2019". Lviv, Ukraine. Curator: Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka.

2015 / The Eureka Bliss. Multimedia Installation. Artspace Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Marek Wasilewski.

2007 / Waiting for an Echo. Video installation. In collaboration with American writer Mark Daniel Cohen. Wschodnia. Gallery. Lodz, Poland; Curator: Adam Klimczak. The New Gallery. Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Hedva Shemesh.

2002 / The Oasis Edge. Multimedia installation. II International Art Biennial - Buenos Aires. National Museum of Fine Arts. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Curator: Jorge Glusberg.

2000 / Inhale and Hold. Corinne Maman Ashdod Museum. Ashdod, Israel. Curator: Shlomit Shaked.



2022 / Nothing Good Will Come Out of It. International group exhibition. Pyramida Contemporary Art Center. Haifa, Israel and Wschodnia Gallery. Lodz, Poland.

2021 / Unpaid Leave. Group exhibition. Municipal Gallery. Kfar Saba, Israel.

2020 / Dinner is Ready - Mise en Scène. Virtual exhibition / 2019 / Swimming Pool. Video art exhibition. Galleria Muratcentoventidue Artecontemporanea. Bari, Italy / 2017 / Fool's Gold. Artspace Tel Aviv, Israel / Transit Message. International project. Bergamo. Italy / 2013 / What has risen may sunk and what has sunk may rise. Video installation. Artists' House- Tel Aviv and WRO Atelier. Wroclaw, Poland / ​2007 / Water in Art and Life. International exhibition. The Israel Museum. Jerusalem, Israel / 2006 / Forest Man. Israeli and Turkish artists. Video art exhibition. The New Gallery. Jerusalem, Israel / 2005-07 / Autres Voies /  Vois Multiples. Videoformes festival. France / 2005 / Intimacy-Digital Skin-Part II. Third Annual New Media Arts Festival. Bangkok, Thailand / 2003-04 / ​ Hold Me Tight. Video art exhibition. Janco-Dada Museum. Ein-Hod, Israel / 2002-04 /  The Colors of Water. Tel Aviv Museum,Israel / 2002 / Local Time 5. Video art screenings. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Cinematheques, Israel / Wasser!Wasser!!. Nature and Men State Museum. Oldenburg, Germany / 2001-02 / Hands. The Israel Museum. Jerusalem, Israel / 2001 / Markers, Art and Poetry in Venice. The 49th Venice Biennial, Italy / 2000 /  Construction in Process VII: This Earth is a Flower. The International Artists‘ Museum.  Bidgozdsz, Poland. ​​



2018 / Screening of video work For Members Only at KOLNOA,- Israeli Film Festival. Prague, Czech Republic / 2017 / Screening of Di Libe Brent a Shrek at ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany / 2013 / Definiciones, acordes y disonancias - Selected video works. IVAHM12 - Madrid, Spain. / 2012 / Artist Talk. ​WRO Atelier. Wroclaw, Poland / Definiciones, acordes y disonancias - Selected video works. CINETORO film festival, Instituto Iberoamericano. Cali, Colombia. Frontera Sur gallery. Cali, Colombia. IVAHM12 - Galicia, Spain / Di Libe Brent a Shrek. AVAHM12 - video festival. Madrid, Spain / NIO 1 - video festival. Colombia / 2011 / Di Libe Brent a Shrek. Experimental film and installation. Open City - Lublin, Poland / 2010 / Chronicle of an Erasure - video art work and live piano performance. In collaboration with Israeli composer Hagar Kadima. Hateiva auditorium. Jaffa, Israel / 2008 / Goldberg Variations - A different Outlook. Video art and live piano performance. In collaboration with pianist Meir Wiesel. Tzavta auditorium. Tel Aviv, Israel / 2007-08 / Mobile Archive. Israeli Center for Digital Art project. Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana,  Slovenia; Galerija Nova, Zagreb, Croatia; WYSPA Art Institute. Gdansk, Poland; Hamburg  Kunstverein, Germany / 2007 / Definitions in Simple Language. Selected video art works. The Art Opening Season Event in Tel-Aviv. Artists’ House. Tel- Aviv, Israel / Manifesta 4 - Documenta 11, The 4th Berlin Biennial. Two documentary video works. The Third Ear Cinema. Tel- Aviv, Israel / 2006 / The 51st Venice Biennial. Documentary video work. Petach-Tikva Museum of Art. Petach- Tikva, Israel / 2004 / Por quien doblan las campanas?. Video Art installation. Heara 8, Comments on Schools and Hospitals. The International Anglican School. Jerusalem, Israel ​/ 2003 / Manifesta 4 - Documenta 11, The II International Art Biennial-Buenos Aires,The  50th Venice Biennial. Three documentary video works. Petach-Tikva Museum. of Art. Petach-Tikva, Israel / 2002 / The 49th Venice Biennial, Markers in Venice. Two documentary video works. Cinematheque Tel Aviv, Israel. 


2023 / Curator of Unite- Polish artist Marek Wasilewski's solo exhibition. Grosso Modo Gallery. Tel Aviv, Israel / 2022 / Co-curator of D-Construction- international video art festival. Grosso Modo Gallery. Tel Aviv, Israel / 2019 / Curator and editor of Bitter-Sweet - compilation of video art works by Israeli artists. ms2 - Museum Sztuki of Lodz. Poland / 2018 / Curator and producer of Beyond Words - International interdisciplinary event. Video, performance, installation.. ArtSpace TLV. Tel Aviv, Israel / 2017 / Curator and producer of Seven Minutes of Fame - a selected list of creators who present and talk about their work for up to seven minutes each. ArtSpace TLV. Tel Aviv, Israel / Curator and producer of TIME is Love / Liaisons event - video, performance, installation. In collaboration with curator Kisito Asangni. ArtSpace TLV. Tel Aviv, Israel / 2016 / Curator and editor of VIDEO LATINO. Indie Gallery. Tel Aviv, Israel / Creator and curator of Salon Talks - a series of gatherings with artists and public. Artspace Tel Aviv, Israel/  2015 / Guest curator of the Israeli video art screening. Vernon Gallery. Prague, Chech Republic / 2014 / Curator of Paper Whispers drawing event. Muzaplus. Jaffa, Israel / Curator of Right Exposure photography event. Muzaplus, Jaffa, Israel / 2013 / Curator and editor of New Beginnings, compilation of video art works by international artists. Muzaplus, Jaffa, Israel / Curator and editor of Home Affairs - Selected works, compilation of video art works by Israeli artists. NIO 2 - video festival. Colombia. /  2012 / Co -creator and co- producer of - "Salon Talks" - Meetings with friends+ a guest lecturer /  Curator and editor of Home Affairs, compilation of video art works by Israeli artists. CINETORO film festival. Cartago and Frontera Sur gallery. Cali, Colombia. IVAHM12- Madrid and Galicia / 2011 / Coordinator of Optica's Video Art festival screenings in Israel.  In collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes and the Embassy of Spain in Tel Aviv, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, Sderot, Haifa and Jerusalem cinematheques / Guest curator and editor of Homemade 4. Video Art compilation by Israeli artists. International video art festival Loop–Barcelona; La Casa Encendida, Madrid; Centro  de arte, Gijon, Spain / Curator and editor of My Home is your Home, compilation of video art works by Israeli and foreign artists. Loving Art. Making Art - Art opening season in Tel Aviv / 2009 / Guest lecturer at CENAR- National Center for the  Arts; MUNA- National Museum  of Anthropology; National University; MARTE-  Art Museum. San Salvador, El Salvador / Guest lecturer. Video art workshop for teachers and students at the University of Technology, Communications department. San Salvador, El Salvador / Project coordinator and participant artist of Good Night and Bad Luck, Israeli and Polish artists exhibition, as part of the Polish season in Israel. The Artists’ House, Tel Aviv, Israel and Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland / 2007 / Curator and editor of Homemade 3. Compilation of video art works by Israeli artists.  Lodz Culture House Cinema and Wschodnia Gallery. Lodz, Poland / 2006 / Guest curator and producer of Unfolding Memoirs. Video and performance exhibition by Israeli artists. ON Gallery. Poznan, Poland / Curator and editor of Homemade 2 - Selected Works. Compilation of video art works by Israeli artists. We Love Art opening art season event. Artists’ House. Tel Aviv, Israel / 2005 / Guest curator. Homemade 2 - Selected Works. Macadamia Video Festival. R.Rojas Cultural Center - UBA, Buenos Aires, and Museum of Contemporary Art – MACRO. Rosario, Argentina / ​2004 / Guest curator. Homemade 2 - Selected Works. Intermedia Department, Academy of Fine Arts. Poznan, Poland, and at Kino-Lab, Center for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle. Warsaw, Poland / 2003 /  Curator and editor of Homemade 1. Compilation of video art works by Israeli artists. The Second International Four Cultures Dialog Festival. Cytryna Cinema. Lodz, Poland / 2001 / Project coordinator of Markers, Art and Poetry in Venice. The 49th Venice Biennial, Italy.

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